Sunday, July 27, 2008

urboCAD Professional
Graphics & DesignTurboCAD Pro 15 is the premium design software solution that’s delivered exceptional value to both 2D and 3D users for over 20 years. TurboCAD Pro’s robust set of 2D drafting and 3D modeling tools enable users to create innovative designs for a wide range of industries and disciplines. TurboCAD also includes several industry-leading technologies, such as Spatial Technology’s ACIS® solid modeling engine, LightWork Design’s photorealistic rendering and lighting engine and material libraries, and Siemens PLM Software’s D-Cubed geometric and dimensional constant engine.

TurboCAD Pro’s incredible flexibility, low learning curve and overall ease of use are hallmarks of this award-winning program. A completely customizable graphical user interface, SEKE’s (Single Entry Key commands), and a Part/History Tree allows for editing of complex designs in any order.

TurboCAD Pro is incredibly compatible with other CAD and graphics programs and formats, supporting import from over 30 file formats and export to over 25 formats. Our DXF and DWG file translators for AutoCAD® are considered some of the best in the industry.

Whether you are a professional mechanical engineer, architect or builder, civil engineer, woodworker, hobbyist or student, TurboCAD has you covered! Plus, there are optional, specialized architectural and mechanical toolsets available for purchase, as well as plug-ins that extend TurboCAD’s capabilities into 3D Animation, Furniture Design, Computer Aided Machining (CAM), and more.

Import/Export support for over 30 file formats from the most popular applications:
3DS - 3D Studio (Import only)
3DV – VRML Worlds
BMF – FloorPlan (Export only)
BMP - Windows Bitmap
CGM – Computer Graphics Metafile (Import only)
DC, DCD – DesignCAD™
DGN - Intergraph, Microstation (Import only)
DWF - AutoDesk® Drawing Web Format
DWG - AutoCAD Native Format
DXF - Drawing Exchange
FCD, FCW – FastCAD (Import only)
FP3 – FloorPlan (Import only)
GEO – VRML Worlds (Export only)
GIF - Graphics Interchange (Export only)*
JPG – JPEG (Export only)
PLT - HP Graphics Language (Export only)
PDF - Adobe® Acrobat Page Description Format
PNG - Portable Network Graphics* (Import only)
SKP - Google Sketchup (Import only)
TCW - TurboCAD Native Format
WMF - Windows Metafile
WRL - VRML Worlds
WRZ - VRML Worlds
alpha channel support - optional transparent backgrounds for easy placement into other images

Homepage -

Size: 197 MB


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