Rodwan met Saiful three days earlier | | | | Posted by Super Admin | Wednesday, 30 July 2008 |
Who is Rodwan, other than the fact that he works for the IGP and is known as the police chief’s bagman and go-between with the organised crime syndicate that controls all the drugs, prostitution, loan-sharking and gambling rackets? THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Malaysia Today At 2.30pm on Wednesday, 25 June 2008, Senior Assistant Commissioner (SAC) II Mohd Rodwan Mohd Yusof met Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan in room 619 of the Concorde Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Prior to this secret meeting, Rodwan and Saiful spoke on the phone at least eight (8) times. Three days later, at 2.00pm on 28 June 2008, Saiful went to see Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid of the Hospital Pusrawi to ‘complain’ that he had been sodomised by ‘a very important person’ and that he wished to lodge a police report. The doctor, however, found no traces or evidence that he had been sodomised and suggested, for purposes of the police report, that Saiful go to a government hospital. Who is Rodwan, other than the fact that he works for the IGP and is known as the police chief’s bagman and go-between with the organised crime syndicate that controls all the drugs, prostitution, loan-sharking and gambling rackets? Well, read the following archived reports to get a better understanding of this scumbag and slime-ball named Rodwan. Maybe then you can understand why he met Saiful in a hotel room three days before the sodomy allegation against Anwar Ibrahim exploded.
Berita Harian
Rabu, 30 Disember 1998
Seorang pakar forensik Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) memberitahu Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini bahawa contoh darah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak boleh digunakan untuk ujian DNA kerana ia diambil dan disediakan bagi ujian HIV, Hepatitis B dan VD (penyakit kelamin).
Dr Zahari Noor berkata, oleh kerana itu beliau menolak permintaan polis sebanyak dua kali supaya contoh darah itu digunakan untuk ujian DNA. Menurutnya, ketika di Ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit Aman pada 28 September lalu bagi mengambil darah Anwar, beliau ditanya oleh Asisten Mohd Rodwan Mohd Yusof sama ada ujian DNA boleh dilakukan terhadap Anwar. Katanya, beliau menasihatkan polis supaya tidak mengambil darah Anwar untuk ujian DNA kerana Anwar hanya memberi persetujuan supaya darahnya digunakan bagi ujian HIV, Hepatitis B dan VD.
"Pada 15 Oktober lalu, Mohd Rodwan dan SAC I (Senior Asisten Komisioner) Musa Hassan datang ke HKL dan bertanya sama ada mereka boleh mengambil contoh darah Anwar untuk analisis DNA," katanya.
Dr Zahari: Kami memberikan empat sebab kepada polis mengapa ujian DNA tidak boleh dilakukan terhadap darah Anwar:
* contoh itu tidak disediakan untuk analisis DNA,
* ia tidak sesuai untuk ujian DNA,
* pendapat kami ialah keputusan ujian DNA itu tidak boleh dipercayai.
* ia boleh membawa keputusan yang mengelirukan kerana kami menyimpan contoh darah itu di dalam bekas biasa tanpa pengawet atau EDTA.
Katanya, mereka kemudian mencadangkan kepada polis bahawa mereka bersedia pada bila-bila masa untuk mengambil contoh darah Anwar di penjara Sungai Buloh untuk ujian DNA jika tertuduh membenarkannya.
"In 1998-1999 trials, Anwar experienced the phenomenon of fabrication of DNA evidence. We had SAC Rodwan illegally removing DNA samples from forensic custody. In cross-examination of the prosecution's witnesses it was exposed that DNA taken from blood samples was planted on the infamous mattress," said Sivarasa.
"When confronted with this fact the prosecution amended its charge and persuaded the judge, Augustine Paul, to expunge the entire DNA evidence from the record, preventing Anwar's lawyers from responding."
Police have never dilly-dallied in investigating the alleged sodomy against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim since the case was reported to police on June 28, said Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar. He said the police, instead, had been relentlessly seeking relevant and the latest information, besides giving the case priority, as it was a high-profile case.
"We want to solve this case as soon as possible. The investigating officer is constantly looking for new leads. We are doing our best and we need the cooperation of all quarters concerned," he told Bernama when contacted here Tuesday.
Ismail was asked to comment on Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar's statement on Monday, asking for police to speed up the investigations into the sodomy allegation against the Parti Keadilan Rakyat advisor.
He said since the police investigations began, some quarters had been making speculations and statements that could interfere with the investigations.
"I wish to warn everyone, including bloggers, not to disturb police investigations by disseminating material or information that is inaccurate or false.
"Action will be taken against those who deliberately try to interfere with the investigations. Let the police do a meticulous job," he added.
Sources told The Malaysian Insider that investigators are "crossing the t's and dotting the i's" and will be relying on Anwar's DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) samples from 1998 when he faced similar charges which cost him the chance to be prime minister.
"Nobody wants a repeat of 1998 when the prosecution had to amend the charges. Anwar has alleged that he had an alibi for the 24 hours on the day the offence took place. So the authorities have to check everything out," said an official who is familiar with the investigations.
"We understand that there is an attempt to quash credibility of the case even before the matter goes to court. The police cannot say too much because then they will be accused of trial by media and ministers cannot say much because they will be accused to interference.
"This case is built on strong scientific evidence," the official added.
This was posted on Susan Loone’s blog:
I would like to write the following statement in the name of GOD whom I believe.
I am a government doctor in the rank of consultant working in Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL). I know personally the doctors who examined Saiful on that day - 28 June 2008.
The so-called medical report mentioned in the NST is a fabrication or imagination by the UMNO paper. There is no such medical report submitted to the polis yet.
When examining Saiful, the specialist could not find any signs of Saiful being sodomised. Saiful was very cheerful, unlike real sodomised patients who will usually be very sad and disturbed.
Saiful was subsequently admitted to the ward and observed for a day. He was completely well in the ward and not emotionally disturbed.
Please let RPK know of this.
| | | The Corridors of Power Who is Rodwan, other than the fact that he works for the IGP and is known as the police chief’s bagman and go-between with the organised crime syndicate that controls ...', CAPTION, 'Rodwan met Saiful three days earlier', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Rodwan met Saiful three days earlier THE CORRIDORS OF POWER REPORT ON THE ROYAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY ...', CAPTION, 'Anwar never called Rahim Noor ‘dog’', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Anwar never called Rahim Noor ‘dog’ THE CORRIDORS OF POWER REPORT ON THE ROYAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY ...', CAPTION, 'Anwar’s beating was carefully planned and was not spontaneous', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Anwar’s beating was carefully planned and was not spontaneous THE CORRIDORS OF POWER REPORT ON THE ROYAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY ...', CAPTION, 'Anwar’s arrest had been planned earlier', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Anwar’s arrest had been planned earlier THE CORRIDORS OF POWER REPORT ON THE ROYAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY ...', CAPTION, 'Anwar’s attack was premeditated, not provoked', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Anwar’s attack was premeditated, not provoked THE CORRIDORS OF POWER REPORT ON THE ROYAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY ...', CAPTION, 'Anwar is arrested and brought to Bukit Aman', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Anwar is arrested and brought to Bukit Aman THE CORRIDORS OF POWER REPORT ON THE ROYAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY ...', CAPTION, 'There was a plot to arrest Anwar long before the arrest', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">There was a plot to arrest Anwar long before the arrest THE CORRIDORS OF POWER REPORT ON THE ROYAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY ...', CAPTION, 'Anwar is refused medical treatment', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Anwar is refused medical treatment No Holds Barred Sure, I whack and insult those Malays who claim to be Muslims. But they are not of my religion. I am not of their religion. They and I do not ...', CAPTION, 'My God is different from your God', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">My God is different from your God The doctor’s report says it very clearly. Saiful was never sodomised, either by Anwar or anyone else. Why is the government still pursuing the case against Anwar? And why are ...', CAPTION, 'Doctor on the run: police want him to fabricate evidence against Anwar', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Doctor on the run: police want him to fabricate evidence against Anwar The Malay unity talks between PAS and Umno are not something that just sort of happened. They were carefully planned way ahead with the objective of restoring Malay political power ...', CAPTION, 'The Malay unity sodomy conspiracy', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">The Malay unity sodomy conspiracy Now can the PAS people understand what they have done? They have committed ‘close proximity’ with Umno. And that is a crime in Islam.
Raja ...', CAPTION, 'About perception and reality', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">About perception and reality Welcome to Malaysia. This year is Tahun Meliwat Malaysia. And before we can even settle the issue of the sodomy allegation against Anwar, we now have to grapple with PAS ...', CAPTION, 'Tahun Meliwat Malaysia', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Tahun Meliwat Malaysia Actually, I did not know why we were going to see Najib. Saiful just said that he wanted to go and see Najib and he wanted me to follow him. ...', CAPTION, 'An evening with an ‘accomplice’', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">An evening with an ‘accomplice’ The ‘evidence’ is ready. The semen specimen on Saiful’s underwear has been confirmed as Anwar’s. The only problem is if they allow an independent foreign expert to do an audit ...', CAPTION, 'How, yet again, they are trying to fabricate evidence against Anwar', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">How, yet again, they are trying to fabricate evidence against Anwar In short, more than half the Malays-Muslims choose their leaders either in the general election or in the Umno party election, both which are held this year. And these leaders ...', CAPTION, 'You dug your own grave so go lie in it', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">You dug your own grave so go lie in it  Special Reports Jed Yoong, Asia Sentinel 30 July 2008
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A medical report surfaces saying the male aide who filed charges against the opposition leader wasn’t molested Jed Yoong, ASIA SENTINEL ...', CAPTION, 'Were the Anwar Sodomy Charges Faked?', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Were the Anwar Sodomy Charges Faked?The Yang di-Pertuan Agong must give his consent should the government decide to dissolve Parliament and hold fresh elections to stave off any attempt by the opposition to form the ...', CAPTION, ' Royals start to flex their muscles', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href=""> Royals start to flex their muscles The sodomy accusation is meant not just to discredit Mr. Anwar, but to rip apart his nascent coalition. It was levied a few days before Mr. Anwar was scheduled to ...', CAPTION, ' It\'s Deja Vu for Malaysia\'s Opposition Leader', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href=""> It's Deja Vu for Malaysia's Opposition Leader In the long run, Abdullah failed to deliver. In dismal disappointment, voters decided to punish him, his party and the ruling coalition during the March 8 general elections.
TODAYonline ...', CAPTION, 'When a strongman leaves', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">When a strongman leavesAlthough Abdullah's proposed transfer of power may disappoint Umno factions that might wish him to step down immediately, the reality is that the plan actually suits even his rivals quite ...', CAPTION, ' Abdullah buying time with 2010 quit plans', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href=""> Abdullah buying time with 2010 quit plans With some exceptions, an increasingly hard line across the Muslim worldIn Malaysia, people who try to desert Islam can face compulsory “re-education”. Under the far harsher regime of Afghanistan, death ...', CAPTION, 'Islam and apostasy: In death\'s shadow', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Islam and apostasy: In death's shadow In many parts of the world, the right to change one's beliefs is under threatThe contest between theocratic politics and a notionally secular state looks even more unequal in another ...', CAPTION, 'Religious conversions: The moment of truth', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Religious conversions: The moment of truth The leadership battle has turned into a bruising personal confrontation, full of lurid allegations involving sodomy, infidelity and even murder. The Wall Street Journal Asia ...', CAPTION, ' Malaysian premier race spurs bare-knuckled fight', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href=""> Malaysian premier race spurs bare-knuckled fightWatch the videos below ...', CAPTION, 'DSAI - Ucapan di Stadium Melawati - Konspirasi', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">DSAI - Ucapan di Stadium Melawati - KonspirasiWatch the videos below ...', CAPTION, 'LIWAT 2008 : KONSPIRASI SIAPA?', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">LIWAT 2008 : KONSPIRASI SIAPA? From Around The Blogs Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pagi semalam telah mengadakan satu sidang media berhubung laporan perubatan yang dibuat oleh Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid terhadap Saiful Bukhari Azlan. ...', CAPTION, 'Kenyataan Pusrawi: Tidak Mengejutkan!', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Kenyataan Pusrawi: Tidak Mengejutkan!Pas-Umno talks a bargaining ploy to strengthen Pas’ hand in Pakatan? Going by the reports in the mainstream media, you would think that Umno and Pas are on the verge ...', CAPTION, 'Pas unhappy over Selangor but vows loyalty to Pakatan', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Pas unhappy over Selangor but vows loyalty to Pakatan Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar - What are you doing to carry out your basic duty as Home Minister to make the public places, streets and homes safe for Malaysians, ...', CAPTION, 'Hamid, what are you doing to carry out your basic duty?', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Hamid, what are you doing to carry out your basic duty? Three over years of my life was spent in Dili, East Timor where you don't just go out in the night after work. There were no street lamps in ...', CAPTION, 'WE HAVEN\'T WON, WE HAVEN\'T LOST', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">WE HAVEN'T WON, WE HAVEN'T LOST I was right in my condemnation of the quality of Proton cars.The MB of Pahang and Kelantan had also come out and said their Perdanas incur high maintenance costs. ...', CAPTION, 'Proton And Harley-Davidson', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Proton And Harley-Davidson-
As I write this, it is now 6pm Malaysian time (28/7/08). I first found out about the ...', CAPTION, 'Anwar, the media, and us', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Anwar, the media, and us So we now know that the decades old animosity and enmity between PAS ...', CAPTION, 'Hell Can Wait', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Hell Can Wait I have been reading material that suggests that the publicity on the police report against Anwar Ibrahim is having an impact, even within the Pakatan Rakyat. ...', CAPTION, 'Why Has Anwar Not Been Charged?', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Why Has Anwar Not Been Charged?This past week has been too overwhelming, both on the personal and professional fronts, for me to contribute something on the heady stew that is Malaysian politics these days. ...', CAPTION, 'The Great Betrayal', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">The Great BetrayalDr. Mahathir Mohamad When we became independent in 1957 nobody gave us much of a chance to make any progress beyond what ...', CAPTION, 'The country we love', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">The country we love The lapse in Tunku Aziz’s ability to recall recent past history borders on amnesia in the saga of the alleged report of sodomy against Anwar Ibrahim. by Din Merican ', CAPTION, 'The Pathetic Gyrations of Tunku Abdul Aziz', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">The Pathetic Gyrations of Tunku Abdul Aziz Where The Buck Stops!
A great leader never claims glory all to himself and ducks behind subordinates when ghastly mistakes are committed. ...', CAPTION, 'Why did the late Tan Sri Megat Junid cry twice before me?', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Why did the late Tan Sri Megat Junid cry twice before me?- APAKAH cadangan Mursyidul Am PAS, Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat itu suatu sindiran atau syor untuk mengatasi kemelut yang ada. Barangkali juga, Tok Guru sudah terbaca laporan ...', CAPTION, 'Tok Guru Nik Aziz syor, bubar Umno, bubar PAS tubuh parti baru!', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Tok Guru Nik Aziz syor, bubar Umno, bubar PAS tubuh parti baru!
In my boyhood, being afraid of the dark growing up in a new village which did not have electricity supply, I had thought that placing a copy of the bible ...', CAPTION, 'How we use sacred books', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">How we use sacred books It looks like the Terengganu State ...', CAPTION, ' Mercedes Mentality ', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href=""> Mercedes Mentality URL Ads World Futures War is once again raging in Afghanistan. But behind the scene a secret agenda is for the CIA to kill anti-American citizens... Global Media Channel A leading alternative media channel with more alternative ways of presenting freedom of speech and real facts that the prime media won't dare publish. Future Fastforward A controversial analysis by a controversial analyst, Matthias Chang, the lawyer-writer who unabashedly calls a spade a spade and offers no apology for doing so. BulwarkPRO Recovery Card Recover your PC by a simple reboot. Ease your mind with BulwarkPRO protection. Wellness Industry Is Booming! Learn how you too can own a low capital home-based business to generate extra supplemental stream of income by using internet for these challenging economic times. You may earn RM1K up to RM10K a month working only 5-10hrs/week. Full system provided. Home Based Business Earn extra income $5000-$10,000 monthly, 24 hours a day. Just working part/full time from the comfort of your home. Legitimate business, have a most powerful product in the world. Register for FREE first to save your position in this powerful system. Berita & Komentar (mStar Online) - Daripada Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan, kini individu yang menjadi perhatian ialah pegawai perubatan Hospital Pusrawi - Dr. Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid - doktor pertama ...', CAPTION, 'Siapa Dr. Mohamed Osman?', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Siapa Dr. Mohamed Osman? (mStar Online) - Kira-kira 12 jam selepas meminta polis menghentikan siasatan berhubung dakwaan meliwat, yang dihadapinya buat kali kedua, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim akan muncul di Jabatan Agama ...', CAPTION, 'Selepas gesa polis henti siasatan, Anwar hadapi JAWI pagi ini', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Selepas gesa polis henti siasatan, Anwar hadapi JAWI pagi ini (Malaysiakini) - Kementerian Kesihatan akan menggunakan hasil pemeriksaan perubatan terhadap Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, yang mendakwa diliwat penasihat PKR, di hospital Kuala Lumpur. ...', CAPTION, 'Liwat: HKL pertahan laporan Saiful', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Liwat: HKL pertahan laporan Saiful(Malaysiakini) - Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yakin beliau boleh menang di kerusi parlimen Kulim-Bandar Baharu apabila bertanding di situ jika ia diisytiharkan kosong oleh mahkamah bulan depan. ...', CAPTION, 'Anwar: Saya boleh menang di Kulim', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Anwar: Saya boleh menang di Kulim(Malaysiakini) - Masjid kristal yang terapung di tengah sungai dan Piala Monsun - dua projek besar yang menjadi sebutan umum di Terengganu kini dalam perhatian serius Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR). ...', CAPTION, 'BPR siasat masjid kristal, piala monsun', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">BPR siasat masjid kristal, piala monsunKUALA LUMPUR, 29 Julai (Hrkh) - Ketua Umum KeADILan, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim yakin tuduhan liwat ke atasnya sudah berakhir dengan pendedahan laporan doktor Pusrawi yang membuktikan tiada kesan liwat ...', CAPTION, 'Tuduhan liwat palsu, tidak berasas dan bermotif politik', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Tuduhan liwat palsu, tidak berasas dan bermotif politik Oleh: 'Deep Throat' Sabah
Jika Zulaikha tergilakan Nabi Yusof Alaihissalam kerana ketampanan wajah dan aura maskulinnya; Siti Jalmah Haji Aramain tergilakan Mantan Adun Lahad Datu, Datuk Haji Mohd Yusof ...', CAPTION, 'Skandal Seks Ahli Parlimen Labuan', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Skandal Seks Ahli Parlimen Labuan (Malaysiakini) - PAS bulan lalu menafikan wujudnya rundingan PAS-Umno kerana mereka yang terlibat dalam pertemuan sulit itu tidak memaklumkan kepada jawatankuasa pusat parti itu, kata ketua penerangannya Mahfuz Omar. ...', CAPTION, 'Ada pemimpin sorok info PAS-Umno', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Ada pemimpin sorok info PAS-Umno(mStar Online) - Sebulan yang lalu negara dikejutkan dengan dakwaan meliwat terbaru, yang kedua dalam tempoh 10 tahun membabitkan bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. ...', CAPTION, 'Meliwat: Polis nafi tahan doktor bantu siasatan, Anwar adakan sidang media', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Meliwat: Polis nafi tahan doktor bantu siasatan, Anwar adakan sidang media-
Tiada bukti Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, yang mengadu diliwat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, pernah mengalami hubungan seks luar tabie seperti itu - ...', CAPTION, 'Doktor: Tiada kesan Saiful diliwat', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Doktor: Tiada kesan Saiful diliwat News & Commentaries TheMalaysianInsider Pas will propose the implementation of Hudud and Qisas laws, among other things, if the proposed Pas-Umno merger becomes a reality. ...', CAPTION, 'Pas proposes Hudud and Qisas laws to be implemented if it merges with Umno', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Pas proposes Hudud and Qisas laws to be implemented if it merges with UmnoBy Adib Zalkapli TheMalaysianInsider Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said today he is not worried about the possibility of being arrested again over the allegation of sodomy against him although he hoped ...', CAPTION, 'Anwar not worried about arrest', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Anwar not worried about arrest By Adib Zalkapli TheMalaysianInsider
Pusrawi Hospital today confirmed that a preliminary examination was conducted on 23-year-old Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan who had accused Datuk ...', CAPTION, ' Pusrawi report on Saiful not conclusive', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href=""> Pusrawi report on Saiful not conclusive KUALA LUMPUR, July 30, 2008 (AFP) - A medical report cited by Malaysia's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim which said no assault had taken place in a sodomy case appears genuine, ...', CAPTION, 'Report in sodomy case \'looks genuine\': Malaysian hospital', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Report in sodomy case 'looks genuine': Malaysian hospital By ELFFIE CHEW July 30, 2008
KUALA LUMPUR -- Proton Holdings, Malaysia's state-backed car maker, took a gamble in 2007 by opting to stay on its track of working ...', CAPTION, 'Proton Likely Faces Bumpy Road Unless It Gets a Foreign Partner', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Proton Likely Faces Bumpy Road Unless It Gets a Foreign Partner Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) said yesterday that Bank Negara Malaysia had revoked its approval for the proposed acquisition of up to 100 percent equity in PT Bank Internasional Indonesia. ...', CAPTION, 'Bank Negara rescinds approval for Maybank\'s acquisition of BII', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Bank Negara rescinds approval for Maybank's acquisition of BII(NST) - Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan's leaked medical report could see the doctor and the hospital hauled up for professional misconduct. ...', CAPTION, 'Hospital and doctor may be hauled up over leaked report', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Hospital and doctor may be hauled up over leaked report(NST) - Police have strongly denied an allegation that they have detained a private doctor and forced him to fabricate sodomy evidence against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. ...', CAPTION, ' Police rubbish website claim of \'doctor on the run\'', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href=""> Police rubbish website claim of 'doctor on the run'(NST) - Investigations into Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan's sodomy allegations against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will not be dropped. ...', CAPTION, 'Investigations will not be dropped, says Syed Hamid', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Investigations will not be dropped, says Syed Hamid(The Star) - The Health Ministry will stand by the medical findings of Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) on Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan. ...', CAPTION, 'Ministry stands by HKL medical report on Saiful\'s sodomy claim', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Ministry stands by HKL medical report on Saiful's sodomy claim(The Star) - A relative of Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan has scoffed at a medical report posted on several online news portals, saying that they were only notes made by ...', CAPTION, 'Saiful’s uncle dismisses revelation, says he still believes him', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Saiful’s uncle dismisses revelation, says he still believes him (The Star) - The federal police logistics department has uncovered attempts by unscrupulous suppliers to cheat it in the supply of equipment worth more than RM100mil. ...', CAPTION, 'Police investigating RM100mil logistics fraud bid', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Police investigating RM100mil logistics fraud bid(The Star) - The state Anti-Corruption Agency is carrying out investigations on the Monsoon Cup and the Islamic Civilisation Park. ...', CAPTION, 'ACA probing Monsoon Cup', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">ACA probing Monsoon CupBy Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has hinted that he might be arrested again very soon in connection with sodomy allegations against him which he described ...', CAPTION, ' Anwar hints at imminent arrest', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href=""> Anwar hints at imminent arrest Lawmaker's testimony that they took bribes will test Yudhoyono's anti-corruption pledge By Salim Osman, The Straits Times ...', CAPTION, 'Two ministers implicated in Bank Indonesia scandal', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Two ministers implicated in Bank Indonesia scandalExclusive to The Malaysian InsiderKUALA LUMPUR, July 29 — The police ...', CAPTION, ' Anwar to be charged for sodomy as police wrap up probe', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href=""> Anwar to be charged for sodomy as police wrap up probeMalaysia's ringgit slumped to its lowest point in more than seven weeks after the country's central bank unexpectedly refrained from raising interest rates amid the fastest-growing inflation rate in 26 ...', CAPTION, 'Malaysia\'s inflation woes', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Malaysia's inflation woes KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim claimed proof Tuesday (29 July) that accusations he had sodomized a male aide were false, citing a purported medical report published by Internet ...', CAPTION, 'Opposition Leader Anwar Says Medical Report Clears Him Of Sodomy Accusation', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Opposition Leader Anwar Says Medical Report Clears Him Of Sodomy Accusation Mutalib Mohd Daud, who has conducted indepth studies on the obtaining of Malaysian ICs by foreigners in Sabah, felt that Project IC is itself like an "X-File." If the government ...', CAPTION, 'Mutalib: Project IC An "X-File"', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Mutalib: Project IC An "X-File" - KUALA LUMPUR, July 29 (Bernama) -- Police have never dilly-dallied in investigating the alleged sodomy against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim since the case was reported to police on ...', CAPTION, 'Police Have Not Dilly-dallied In Handling Anwar\'s Alleged Sodomy Case, Says Deputy IGP ', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Police Have Not Dilly-dallied In Handling Anwar's Alleged Sodomy Case, Says Deputy IGP
Antara Kita Justeru pada saya pengumuman itu dibuat kerana Abdullah kini dalam keadaan terdesak dan makin hilang pengaruh. Dan Najib pula menerimanya kerana beliau juga berada dalam keadaan terdesak.
Oleh Mohd ...', CAPTION, 'Abdullah – Najib saling memerangkap', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Abdullah – Najib saling memerangkap Apabila soal-soal rendah moral Najib dan Awar terdedah, secara tidak langsung orang akan teringat dan memandangkan keperibadian Abdullah sebagai Mr Clean.
Oleh Mohd Sayuti Omar ...', CAPTION, 'Siapa Kata Abdullah Bodoh?', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Siapa Kata Abdullah Bodoh?Dalam hal ini tidak guna polis membuang masa dan membuang wang kerajaan untuk membuat siasatan dan pendakwaan ke atas kes-kes penting seperti mana laporan Saiful itu kalau akhirnya ia ditolak ...', CAPTION, 'Siasat Segera Musa Hassan dan Ghani Petail', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Siasat Segera Musa Hassan dan Ghani Petail Tidak sedikit yang beranggapan pendedahan surat akuan berkanun itu sebagai tidak siuman. Namun apabila ianya dibiarkan berleluasa dan bebas dibincang menyebabkan ia akhirnya diterima sebagai ...', CAPTION, 'Jalan Terbaik Bagi Najib Ialah Berundur', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Jalan Terbaik Bagi Najib Ialah Berundur Mengenai keengganan Abdullah dan BN untuk menghukum SAPP dan kedua ahli Parlimennya bukan kerana BN baik jauh sekali bersikap profesional, tetapi kerana takut dengan suasana sekarang menjadi lebih buruk lagi. ANTARA ...', CAPTION, 'Abdullah jadi baik kerana takut', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Abdullah jadi baik kerana takut Dari Jelebu Jika masih ada lagi tunggul-tunggul yang menjadi pengikut mazhab Ketuanan Melayu ini maka sahih yang mereka tidak memahami struktur sistem ekonomi kapitalis yang wujud dalam negara kita ini.
DARI ...', CAPTION, 'Mengelabah, berzakar dan berzakar - Lah', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Mengelabah, berzakar dan berzakar - Lah Kesah ini telah kita dengar dari zaman berzaman. Datuk kita telah tahu cerita ini. Nenek kita juga telah mendengar cerita ini. Kemudian nenek bercerita kesah yang sama kepada emak kita. ...', CAPTION, 'Al-Kesah Kerbau Jantan', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Al-Kesah Kerbau Jantan The subtitle of Mencari Jalan Pulang, Daripada Sosialisma Kepada Islam, aptly describes a confused soul who was sesat jalan – lost on his way to a nowhere place, headed in ...', CAPTION, 'Homeless: the Malay Left Rehabilitated?', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Homeless: the Malay Left Rehabilitated? Kerajaan hari ini sedang menghadapi krisis keyakinan rakyat. Ini sama seperti tahun1998 dahulu. Sepuluh tahun dahulu apa sahaja yang keluar dari mulut Mahathir Mohamad akan di anggap sandiwara.
Hishamuddin ...', CAPTION, 'Duit batang pisang', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Duit batang pisang Betul-betul filem Melayu. Turun lokasi dulu kemudian baru buat skrip dan cari pelakon extra. Kah kah kah. Filem kita berwajah kita. Hidup PDRM... oops Hidup FINAS. DARI JELEBU ...', CAPTION, 'Filem: Sodo Mee Part Two', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Filem: Sodo Mee Part Two Letters/Surat We read with interest the recent medical report published online that is likely to shed new light onto the high profile case of sodomy involving a well-known political figure. This ...', CAPTION, 'Treat the medical report with objectivity', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Treat the medical report with objectivity -
The hospital report leaked yesterday confirms our contention that the allegations leveled against me are baseless and politically motivated and that the complainant is ...', CAPTION, 'Press Statement by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Press Statement by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim Wasn’t there a hadith ...', CAPTION, 'PAS – Traitors of Islam and the Malays ', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">PAS – Traitors of Islam and the Malays The disclosure of an earlier medical report on Saiful’s allegations against Anwar has now been followed by a widely circulated – though not available in the mainstream mass media - ...', CAPTION, 'Press statement on Saiful’s Sodomy Allegation', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Press statement on Saiful’s Sodomy Allegation Dear All,
Firstly I would like to apologize in the delay in reply. Secondly thank you to all those who have taken the trouble to provide their input in ...', CAPTION, 'Hindraf Think Tank', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Hindraf Think Tank We would like to inform that Anwar Ibrahim will hold a press conference tomorrow, Tuesday, 29 July 2008, at 11:30am at the party's headquarters. ...', CAPTION, 'PC by Anwar Tomorrow', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">PC by Anwar TomorrowLaporan kesihatan yang didedahkan hari ini mengesahkan apa yang selama ini kita percaya - bahawa tuduhan terhadap Anwar Ibrahim tidak mempunyai merit dan didasari kepentingan politik. ...', CAPTION, 'Laporan Kesihatan Saiful Sahkan Konspirasi', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Laporan Kesihatan Saiful Sahkan KonspirasiThe following Communique is sent to you for immediate release: ...', CAPTION, 'Letter in support of the honorable Datuk Seri Dr. Anwar Ibrahim', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Letter in support of the honorable Datuk Seri Dr. Anwar Ibrahim…AND REALIZED HOW THEY HAVE BEEN MADE FOOLS OF SINCE MERDEKA? ', CAPTION, 'Have the Malays finally come to their senses......', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Have the Malays finally come to their senses......
Malaysians have been deceived for so ...', CAPTION, 'Petrol subsidy, what subsidy? ', FGCOLOR, '#C7C7C5', BGCOLOR, '#AF0000', BORDER, 0, CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', TEXTCOLOR, '#59595B');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="">Petrol subsidy, what subsidy? Some Images Hosted With Thank You ImageShack! |
At this stage if anyone who could tear open the skin of our ruling BN politicians and their coolies, I would say it is none other than you.
In fact it's time you bring out everything one by one on daily basis to challenge them so that we Malaysians can spit at their face for the political prostitution. I do not know how much support you would get from public but I appeal to you to continue being the exemplary to the young and old to stand up fighting for justice in this country.