Windows Vista Ultimate October Blue Edition CD
Posted by admin on December 10th, 2007
This is a performance edition of Vista Ultimate with the October updates. Installation is Fully Automated. No need to select product key,language, or any other selection. Takes about 20 minutes.
Tweaks:The following registry tweaks have been included within it.
Windows will tell you exactly what it is doing when it is shutting down or is booting ( you can see it on logon screen ) Added command prompt to right click context menu Disabled User Account Control ( UAC) [ you can enable this from control panel later. ] Add “Explore from here” context menu while right clicking on folders Gt rid of the Windows Mail splash screen Show Super Hidden Files in vista Maximum simultaneous downloads for IE to 20 ( default is 2 ) Enable ClearType Tuning Added ‘Copy to Folder’ and ‘Move to Folder’ to right click context menu Added ‘open with notepad’ to right context Disabled Windows Media Player AutoUpdates Added “Advanced System Properties” to right-click on Computer Faster browsing with IE
Removed: Accessoriesaccessibilitymobility centerspeech supportwelcome center
Driversprinters, modems & scannersgraphics ,sound and ethernet drivers are still included.
Gamesall games removed
Hardware Supportfax supportinternet small computer system interface (iscsi)smartcards
Languages # ( keyboard languages support not removed )japanesekoreansimplified chinesetraditional chinese
Multimediamovie and dvd makerscreensaverssideshowsound recorderwallpapers ( some wallpapers are remained yet)windows calendarwindows media sampleswindows photo gallery ( photo viewer still there )
Networkconnect to a network projectorinternet information servicesremote desktop and assistanceremote desktop clientwindows collaboration
Serviceserror reportingmicrosoft dfs replicationoffline fileswindows remote managementwindows search ( this doesnt mean you cant search files and folders.)
Systembitlocker drive encryptionhelp ( you will able to get online help though )microsoft agentnatural languageparental controlsperformance countersreliability and performance monitorsecurity centertablet pcwindows backupwindows defender ( useless )windows easy transferwindows sat ( windows system assesment tools, system rating wont be available for your system )zip folderDownload:
The Imam's Magical Shoes (revisited & updated)
8 hours ago